Sunday, September 28, 2008

Best over the counter acne product

« ...One of my favorite forms of acne elimination is the use of sea salt and vinegar. These two very common household products can be mixed together and the liquid applied to the affected area with a cotton ball. Simply allow the mixture to dry on that area for 20 minutes or longer, depending on how well you do with the smell of the vinegar. Wash your face with clear, cold water and repeat about three times a day....
...The last piece to the acne puzzle; TURN YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM INTO A HUMAN FIREWALL. In the end, it isn't about the cleansing, eating super foods, taking supplements, prescription drugs, etc. The real unsung hero in getting your skin crystal clear is... YOU. More precisely, your very own healing system!...»
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«...Acne is a very common skin infection caused by excessive sebaceous gland secretion. Acne usually appears on the face, back, chest and shoulders. It is commonly seen in teenagers and adults. Acne is believed to be caused by the hormonal imbalance and toxins within the body. Acne can cause scars on the skin and make the skin sensitive and painful. The most effective acne treatment is that which offers long lasting results without any side effects. There are two types of acne treatments available and they are nonprescription acne treatment and prescription acne treatment....»
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tags: acne scars on face how to remove, home remedies for adult acne, acne clean produto natural

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