Thursday, July 3, 2008

Magnesium acne zinc and does dandruff cause acne

Infant acne is sometimes caused by the hormones of the mother passed to the baby through the placenta. The infant's skin is actually cleansing itself through the acne. Other factors could be detergents, spit-up and milk.
It's just like when you set out to lose weight. You cannot just isolate the places in your body where you want to lose fat and just lose it there. You need to work on your overall health. So you do cardio exercise and weight and resistance training. The same applies to acne. What you will do is begin by addressing your diet and also engage in an exercise program.
For more severe cases, these will either be hormones or antibiotics and are often used over a couple of years to control and improve acne. Men often suffer from worse cases of acne than women because they produce more testosterone and prescription medications are more commonly used for men than for women. Acne medications containing the ingredient Isotretinoin are commonly prescribed but if you are a woman considering this treatment, be aware that it has been linked to severe birth defects so ask your dermatologist plenty of questions and make sure you feel comfortable with the information. The Pill is one option for women and has been proven to effectively combat some forms of acne.
tags: want my acne to be healed by god, acne medication better than proactive, neutrogena acne face wash

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